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Combo – Open-Up Spray (200ml) and Open-Up Roller (10ml)


Combo – Open-Up Spray and Open-Up Roller

200ml Spray

10ml Roller


The Open-Up range was created to assist with flu and general congestion. Made with only pure essential oils of the finest quality, we believe this is a product you will use regularly!

Open-Up Spray

This incredible spray can be used in four different ways.

  1. Sprayed into the air and breathed in
  2. Sprayed onto a pillow and other linen
  3. Sprayed directly onto the chest and back
  4. Use in a humidifier

This spray is made using these essential oils: Eucalyptus, Lime, Peppermint and Wintergreen. These oils were carefully chosen and combined to create the ultimate weapon against congestion.

Open-Up Rollers

Our Open-Up rollers are amazing! We love this product and believe you will too!

When using your Open-Up roller you need to do the following:

  1. Roll across the chest shoulder to shoulder
  2. Roll down the spine
  3. Roll under the feet

If things are really bad, there is no need to fear because this amazing roller can also be used under your nose!

Please use Coupon: KOKSTAD at checkout if delivering to the Kokstad area.

Availability: 10 in stock

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