The trick to the compound’s effectiveness, according to Lai, appears to be in taking advantage of how cancer cells function.
Because they multiply so rapidly, most cancer cells need more iron than normal cells to replicate DNA. To facilitate that, cancer cells have inlets on their surface, known as transferrin receptors, in greater numbers than other cells. Those receptors allow quick transport into the cell of transferrin, an iron-carrying protein found in the blood.
Once inside the cell, the artemisinin reacts with the iron, spawning highly reactive chemicals called “free radicals.” The free radicals attack other molecules and the cell membrane, breaking it apart and killing the cell.
Precautions: Artemisinin is one of the safest natural herbs. Side effects mostly appear when there is hypersensitivity or a person consumes an excessive quantity. Prolonged usage of any herb or medicine is also a major reason for most of the side effects.
Prolonged usage of the herb may cause nausea, dizziness, and fatigue, and eventually neurotoxicity if these symptoms are ignored.
It is recommended to take the herb in small quantities and should not be taken for more than a few weeks.
Dosage: Take 2 Capsules per day